4. Configuring Name Service Switch [/etc/nsswitch.conf]

The /etc/nsswitch.conf tells the operating system what library to use to query Key9 public keys.

Now, we will configure the operating system to be able to query the Key9 API. This allows your system to lookup usernames, groups, etc. from the Key9 API via the Key9 SSH client.

We will need to modify the /etc/nsswitch.conf file. This can be accomplished using your preferred text editor. In this example, we will utilize nano. You will need to be "root" in order to edit this file.

sudo nano /etc/nsswitch.conf

Upon opening the file, it will look something like this.

passwd: files

group: files

shadow: files

There will be other entries in the file, but these are the only ones we will be editing. We will be adding the "k9" option to the end of each line. The file will look something like this:

passwd: files k9

group: files k9

shadow: files k9

Once you make those changes, save the file.

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